You are entertained

The universe seems pretty big from the point of view of the monkey. Vast and intimidating. Almost infinite, with galaxy upon galaxy, immense amounts of matter and energy, incredible forces and stupefying distances.

But have a closer look at experience. What you experience is fairly limited. Some visual sense impressions, some tactile impressions, some thoughts, some sounds, some emotions? It’s something, but it’s limited.

That’s the entire universe. Your universe is the entire universe. And you are it’s container. And it’s tailor made for you (consciousness). Because you made it. To entertain yourself. The drama is intentional. Emotions are the fuel that keep the production going and keep it interesting. There is no point to it, other than to keep the dreamer entertained. The dreamer can dream anything and it’s dreaming this.

It’s not an accident. It’s not in error. Nothing is wrong, because wrongness is impossible.

It’s all for you. It’s just that you are not the monkey in the middle. You are the container for the universe.

You are untouchable, immutable and empty. You are entirely alone and without properties. You would be just passing the time if time existed. You can dream anything. And you do. And this is it.

And this is all. The universe isn’t that big. It’s a little bubble with a tiny dream. In a dimensionless and timeless and property-less void. Nothing forever with a fun little story.

You can take it as seriously as you want. The process is the point. Results are nothing. Achievements are nothing. Happiness is nothing. Sadness is nothing. Money and fame are nothing. Success and failure are nothing. You are nothing. The process is everything. And it unfolds all by itself. For your entertainment.

Are you entertained? You are. Whether the human knows it or not.