Tell me…

How do you get to any sort of reality beyond pattern in consciousness? Matter for example, stuff. Where’s the evidence for matter? And how did you obtain it? How do you know there’s anything beyond appearance in consciousness? And if you don’t know, then are you just assuming?

Furthermore, how do you get to true knowledge about anything based on made-up concept with arbitrary boundaries? The Lego blocks that you use to get to truth are just made-up stories upon made-up stories. How can you build anything true with that as your raw material?

Also, if chopping up what you call reality with concepts is your only mode of understanding, how do you deal with reality on the holistic level? Can you get to the truth of a whole by just studying bits of it?

What’s more, the concepts that you arbitrarily made up are not the only concepts you could have made up. If you had different senses for example, would you still have come up with the concepts you use now? And if you would have come up with a different set of concepts, would your view of reality still be the same? Which one would be true?

We can’t deal with the universe as a whole. It’s too much. So we chop it up. With our concepts and models. But models are simplifications, approximations and therefore limited in their applicability and thus never true.

In short, there is no true knowledge to be had. Your entire reality is belief based and untrue. Everyone’s reality is belief based and untrue.

There’s one undeniable fact: consciousness. It is the only fact. You can restate that fact a few different ways but it doesn’t matter. Because everything else is a belief and untrue and that’s the important part.

Reality, matter, things and you (the human) are all belief and all untrue.

There’s consciousness and the pattern in it. And that’s one unified, unconceptualized whole. Everything else is belief and untrue.

And that’s what you are. The whole. 1. All of it. Integrated, not segregated.

Your belief that you are separate from anything is a belief. It is untrue. It is an illusion. Like the free will that you think you have. You are the universe and the universe does its thing, the human that you think you are is an integral part of the whole. In your segregated language: the human is a cog in the machine.

So, let go of the tiller that you weren’t holding to begin with. Nothing is under control. It is all a dream and you are the dreamer of the dream. You are consciousness itself. You are outside of time, space and cause and effect. You are the container that holds the universe. You are timeless and cannot be harmed.

So what does that mean for the monkey? The monkey can relax. It can let go. It can stop pretending it has control. It can stop thinking. It can start following its intuition, which is how the universe communicates with it. It can realize everything is already as it should be. It can start seeing with clear and open eyes that it is in now way separate.

It can also realize that there’s no evidence for other consciousnesses than the one it is appearing in. Lonely stuff. But because the monkey lives in a dream world it doesn’t matter, because everything in that world is made-up. Might as well make up some more consciousnesses. And we have a party!