More nonsense

Take everything you experience. Everything. And put it to one side. Then have a look at where it is experienced. Put that to the other side. Yin and yang. Pattern and consciousness. You are consciousness. And pattern appears in it. And everything is pattern. The monkey included. Then realize that pattern and consciousness can’t be separated. You are all.

And all you are is a dream within a spaceless space.

Everything in pattern is dreamt. By you. Not by the human. By that vast dimensionless space that holds the dream. The dreamer is all. And all it dreams is all there is. It can dream anything it wants and it’s dreaming this. It is dreaming perfection, for whatever else would it dream? What else could it dream?

The monkey has no control, no free will. The monkey can relax. Or not. Either is fine. Either is perfect. Imperfection is impossible. There is nowhere to go. There is nothing to achieve. There is just dreaming taking place.

The monkey can squirm and struggle. Or the monkey can let go and accept. It makes no difference. The dreamer will dream what it dreams. The dream is the point. Not the monkey and not some outcome.