The human species has become totally dominant on this planet because of fictions. Made-up stories that allow us to cooperate to an extent that no other animal can. Yuval Noah Harari writes about this in Sapiens, but the concept is very simple. Without fictions a troop of apes can be about 50 individuals. Beyond that… Continue reading Fictions
Author: jorma
We’re humans. Some special category. Apart from animals. We are thinking, rational creatures. We conceptualize. We categorize. We analyze. We master ourselves and our environment. And we live our entire lives in our heads. And it’s killing us. Individually and collectively. We’re traumatized and we’re sick. Our planet is on the brink of ecological destruction.… Continue reading Animals
Self driving cars
Are here… and so are self driving humans. Yeah, you. That human you think of as you. Is doing its own thing. You ain’t doing nothing (so to speak). That control that you think you have… you don’t. We only know the LEGO block view of reality. Little bits that we have labeled. Like you.… Continue reading Self driving cars
Tell me…
How do you get to any sort of reality beyond pattern in consciousness? Matter for example, stuff. Where’s the evidence for matter? And how did you obtain it? How do you know there’s anything beyond appearance in consciousness? And if you don’t know, then are you just assuming? Furthermore, how do you get to true… Continue reading Tell me…
You are entertained
The universe seems pretty big from the point of view of the monkey. Vast and intimidating. Almost infinite, with galaxy upon galaxy, immense amounts of matter and energy, incredible forces and stupefying distances. But have a closer look at experience. What you experience is fairly limited. Some visual sense impressions, some tactile impressions, some thoughts,… Continue reading You are entertained
More nonsense
Take everything you experience. Everything. And put it to one side. Then have a look at where it is experienced. Put that to the other side. Yin and yang. Pattern and consciousness. You are consciousness. And pattern appears in it. And everything is pattern. The monkey included. Then realize that pattern and consciousness can’t be… Continue reading More nonsense
Maya everywhere Everywhere
You can’t not have flaws
It’s a yin and yang thing. There is no one without the other. Blame is nonsense. Flaws are necessary. We don’t have to cherish them but we can be honest. Self judgement is always a mistake. Or not, because it provides drama. But that’s all it does. Emotional force, is what it is. What else… Continue reading You can’t not have flaws
Hello little monkey
Consciousness – You are me now. I am consciousness and I control you. Monkey – no you don’t. And I’m not. C – yes you are. I’ll make you do something. M – smirks C – you see?! I made you smirk. I am your master, monkey. You shall do my bidding. M – dude,… Continue reading Hello little monkey
Be here now
Letting go of the tiller means being here now. Because future and past are not under your control there is nothing to worry or think about. Literally. Ever. You control nothing. Be here now. What in this moment is lacking? Check before you answer. Not in your mind. In your body. In your actual sensations.… Continue reading Be here now