
I’ve been thinking a lot about development. Emotional development and growing up, becoming an adult human being. I view society and the people in it like a bunch of kids making a mess.

Take a small step back and really look. But look with fresh eyes. There’s crayon on the walls and ceiling. Toys and trash everywhere. Everybody stuffing their face with candy. The place is on fire. And the nanny is in the shed, bludgeoned to death with legos.

So, what would it take for us to take the next step, into adulthood? What does growing up look like in this context? I don’t know yet, but I have some ideas.

  • Surrendering the need to know and to be sure and right.
  • Learning to be at ease with uncertainty and with a multitude of perspectives.
  • Surrendering the silly notion of free will and releasing the tiller.
  • Integrating back into a connected view of the universe and ourselves.
  • From the mind, into the body, into nature, into everything.
  • Moving from thinking into intuition and flow.
  • Releasing responsibility and blame.
  • Learning acceptance.
  • And compassion.
  • And love and gratitude.

Something like that.


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