Don’t be positive

There is one positive and true statement: 1. We can restate our one true statement in a few different ways. Some of those are a bit more illustrative, all are less succinct. Sentences like: Experience is. Consciousness is. I am. Will all do for our purpose but that’s about it. Nothing more can be said… Continue reading Don’t be positive

Reality is like this

You’re in a hospital bed with a terrible disease. Imagine your worst nightmare. And then even worse. It couldn’t be worse. Everything is as terrible as it possibly could be. And it goes on for a very, very long time. And then you wake up. You’re in this lovely forest and birds are singing. You… Continue reading Reality is like this

Not science

Are there things that are not understandable through science? Well, of course. We all know them. Like love. Some people think such things as all is love. Or all is light or something similar. But love is just an example of something that we accept as not under the purview of science. But is it… Continue reading Not science


How many stories could we tell about whatever the hell this shit is? Infinitely many. By definition only one of those could be true. That means there is a 0% chance that the one you are telling yourself is true. Zero. ZERO. And the thing is, there is no truth in any story. Not even… Continue reading Listen


We’re all waves in the ocean pretending we’re somehow apart from the rest of the ocean. Where does a wave begin and end? What does it mean to say you’re a wave? It’s just a little story. Made up and essentially meaningless. We don’t mourn the passing of one wave or celebrate the birth of… Continue reading 🌊


Let go of the tiller. Trust the universe. Go with the flow. Stop squirming. Surrender the notion of free will. Trust your intuition. Accept everything. Do what is indicated. Leave the monkeying to the monkey. If I’m being totally honest (😬), I don’t know how many more ways I can find to say the same… Continue reading Surrender

Little tests

And if you fail. Bigger ones. It seems to me that we get tested. By the universe. All the time. With little questions, like: ‘If I break your shit, how do you respond?’ Or: ‘If things don’t go the way you planned, how do you respond?’ Or: ‘If you stub your toe, how do you… Continue reading Little tests

Everything makes no sense

I’m in some sort of process. Not entirely sure what to call it. Deconstructing old ways of perceiving is part of it. Looking with different eyes. Taking a few steps back and looking with some detachment. Something like that. And it’s a very strange process. Everything makes no sense. If you were to step back… Continue reading Everything makes no sense


People love sharing their opinions. Their judgements. Oooh, that’s pretty. You’re ugly. This is good. That’s bad. I like her. I don’t like him. He’s nice. She’s a little full of herself. And so on. Just stop. Your opinions are dog shit. You’re vomiting dog shit onto everything, all the time. It’s disgusting. Stop. Please.… Continue reading Vomit